Where To Go to Pick Arkansas Strawberries
The last two years, our family has enjoyed picking Arkansas strawberries at our local strawberry farm, Salt Box Farm in Benton, Arkansas. Strawberry picking in Arkansas is somewhat new to us. There are some other locations around the state, but we have only recently taken to the tradition of picking strawberries because we weren’t close to many Arkansas strawberry farms before.
When is Arkansas Strawberries Season?
Arkansas strawberries season depends on the Arkansas weather. Last year, the opening day for strawberry picking at Salt Box Farms was April 19th.
Owners, Wade Marshall and Deana Marshal McKnight, who operate the Salt Box Farm Facebook page provide updates several times a week on the Facebook page, stating when the farm is open for picking. You must keep up with the Facebook page to know the optimal time to go! Even on rainy days, they provide updates if they are able to open after the rain comes through.
Do You Pick Arkansas Strawberries or Are The Strawberries Pre-Picked?
At Salt Box Farm, the fun is in the strawberry picking. The price of picking Arkansas strawberries is $5 per pound. However, the farm does offer some pre-picked flats, when available, at a different price.

Mom Says…
We have enjoyed both years we visited Salt Box Farm for picking Arkansas strawberries. It is a great central Arkansas farm for strawberry picking. In the past, we have driven to other areas and picked a variety of berries – strawberries included. But this is the first farm where we have gone to exclusively pick Arkansas strawberries.

Norah Says…
It is fun to pick the strawberries. But sometimes I get the wrong ones. Some are better to pick than others. You have to see which ones look moldy and which ones look fresh.
It’s really fun when you get to take them and eat them. We can make our strawberry waffles with the fresh strawberries.
Harper Says…
I recommend not wearing a fancy dress! Whenever I crouched down, my dress kept getting stuck in the bushes!
You might want to wear a hat for the sun. And sunglasses are definitely helpful.
Pick the strawberries that are red or dark red. Try not to pick that many green ones because green means the strawberries aren’t ready yet.
Watch out for the bees and bugs!
My favorite uses for the fresh Arkansas strawberries are to go on cheesecake and to eat for just a plain strawberry snack. Parfaits are good with the strawberries, too.

More on What to Wear to Pick Arkansas Strawberries
As you can see, we came right after church and we had our church clothing on. We threw some rain boots in the car at the last minute before heading to church with the intention of stopping by Salt Box Farm after we left church. But we didn’t have time to grab extra clothes.
You may not see any other kids dressed up in seersucker dresses picking Arkansas strawberries! The most obvious thing to wear would be shorts and t-shirts. As you can see, you might be doing some crawling around to get to just the right strawberries!
Also, you definitely want shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Because you were picking strawberries from the vines which get irrigated, you will be standing around muddy areas. We recommend muck boots or rain boots. With flip flops or athletic sandals, your feet and ankles might get scratched with the bushes.
Our friends met us there, and they were dressed for the occasion in shorts and tank tops!
If you make a trip this year to pick strawberries at Salt Box Farm, maybe we will see you there!
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