Free St. Patrick’s Day Gift Basket Printables (You’ve Been Pinched)
These You’ve Been Pinched gift tags for St. Patrick’s Day gift basket printables is one of the things we look forward to with the upcoming holiday! After all, some St. Patrick’s Day fun is what St. Patrick’s Day is all about! And we’ve got free printables and a list of You’ve Been Pinched box ideas for you to put together a small gift with ease!

We modeled this game after some other similar gift games here on this site or over on our sister site.
The You’ve Been Pinched St. Patrick’s day gift basket game is simple: you choose a recipient, put together a small gift bag or box of books, snacks, games, and other goodies, and leave it on his/her doorstep anonymously. Along with the items, you include a note explaining the game. (This is where our cute printable You’ve Been Pinched gift basket printables below come in handy!)
It is up to the recipient to decide if he/she wants to pay it forward. And if so, they can reuse the printables – or you can print a second copy of printables for them to pass on to their recipient – to help the game continue on.

Presentation of a You’ve Been Pinched Gift Basket for St. Patrick’s Day
These gifts do not need to be large. In fact, they probably should not be large. Just a small little surprise is all that is needed! We just use little plastic green baskets or bins from Dollar Tree or Dollar General. Also, you can simply bundle some things together and tie them together. No bin necessary.
What to Put In a St. Patrick’s Day Basket for Families with Kids
If you are gifting this St. Patty’s Day gift to a child or a family with children, you will want to include some kid-friendly items. Add some kid-friendly snacks: individual packages brownies and chips, cocoa packets, popcorn and movie-style boxes of candy for movie nights, etc. If you are in a baking mood, you can also add some homemade treats!
See our gift ideas list included in the printables for a ton of ideas of what to add to your basket!
What to Put in a St. Patrick’s Day Gift Box for Adults
For adults, you can focus on toiletries such as green candles, St. Patrick’s Day home decor items, etc. You can also add green sodas or juices, greenery, green boxes of Thin Mints, mint candy, etc.
We like to put in anything green!

Print Our Free Printables for St. Patrick’s Day Gift Baskets
Don’t forget to print your free You’ve Been Pinched printables for St. Patrick’s Day below. I’m attaching them in color or in a low-scale gray and white which can be printed in grayscale or in black-and-white (for those without the option to print in color). Our color printer is ALWAYS running out of color ink – despite us refilling the cartridges. Therefore, I just printed my PDFs in grayscale.