11 Spooky Ghost Experiments for Halloween Time
If you are in search of some spook-tacular ghost experiments for Halloween, you are in luck! We have collaborated with a host of other bloggers to bring you the best Halloween science experiments for kids this year!
Halloween goes way beyond candy and costumes! There are so many other ways to incorporate creativity and fun into spooky season! We like to make things with a spooky theme. At the end of our post, be sure to check out our Halloween recipes and Halloween STEM kit ideas!

These experiments will bring some BOO-ish fun for all this season! We like these particular ghost science experiments because they can be used at home or at school. They make for some great weekend entertainment for us!
Whether you want to incorporate baking soda and fizz or just plain water, there is a spooky Halloween STEAM experiment here for you and your kids! There is even a floam ghosts experiment! What kid doesn’t love making floam?
Some of these would be so easy to do in a classroom or science lab setting – even with larger groups of kids. Others might be better suited for smaller groups of kids at home.
We cannot say we have tried them all yet, but we did try the ghost floam and the dancing ghost experiments! Thumbs up from us!
11 Ghost Experiments for Halloween
You will love these fun ghost experiments for kids! In fact, you don't even have to be a kid to enjoy these spooky STEAM Halloween experiments.
Not-So-Spooky Halloween Ghost Science Experiment
Kids will love the impressive BOO! moment with this chemistry experiment for elementary age students.
Packing peanuts become the backdrop for ghostly fun in this fun vanishing ghosts science experiment!
Get ready for take off with this fun ghost rocket experiment!
Flying Ghosts Science Experiment with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Who wouldn't love to try to get ghosts to fly in a jar of water? This flying ghost experiment will entertain those young and old.
Fizzy ghosts and a whole lot of suds? What fun!
Kids will giggle at this dancing ghost with a bit of static electricity.
Heavy adult involvement needed for this one, folks! But kids will be mesmerized when you show them these flying tea bag ghosts!
This one is more cute that spook! These salt crystal ghosts will bring joy and creativity to all!
Anything with Peeps is bound to be a hit with kids! These exploding peep geysers add some ghostly fun to science!
Fizzing ghosts, you say? Click over to the see the video by Steam Powered Family for this fun chemistry experiment for Halloween!
Have you met a kid yet who doesn't enjoy floam? This Halloween floam is fun. Kids can make ghost floam, Frankenstein floam, and jack-o-lantern floam!
Well, did you find one you like? We think you might need to experiment with a few before claiming your favorite ghost experiments for Halloween!