30+ Free Teacher Gift Tags for Back to School and All Year
Planning some simple teacher gifts for your favorite teacher? Read on for ideas for 35 free teacher gift tags for back to school teacher gifts and tokens of appreciation all year! Even the smallest token of appreciation can go a long way for an educator!
Our mom is a teacher. Both of our grandmothers are retired teachers. We have been known for sneaking into some of our mom’s teacher gift treats from time to time!

We have cute and silly phrases on our tags to coordinate with certain types of teacher gifts. However, there are other phrases that are generic and can be paired with any type of gift you want.
For example, you can pair our “You are Toe-Tally Awesome” gift tag with toenail polish or a pedicure kit. You can even pair it with socks in the winter time.
Our “Smart Cookie” gift tag is meant be paired with cookies while the “smooth year” gift tags can go with anything smooth – like chapstick or a smooth chocolate bar.
When Can You Use These Free Printable Teacher Gift Tags?
We made sure to include a variety of free teacher gift tags so you can use them throughout the year, starting with back to school teacher gifts. Our favorite back-to-school gifts are teacher plants. But we also like to give gift cards to Target, Walmart, or Amazon so teachers can buy classroom supplies. Do you know many teachers have to outfit their rooms completely out of their own pockets? It’s crazy!

Sometimes, we like to toss in a few personal gifts just for the teacher – like a make up pouch with lip gloss, hair ties, and a small lotion, etc.
For our, “Have a Smooth Year,” tag, we like to pair it with lip balm or lotion.

And a lip balm gift also goes well with our “Something to Make You Smile,” tag, too.

Hopefully, you found some cute teacher gift tags you will enjoy using all year for your favorite school staff members!
Print your FREE TEACHER GIFT TAGS in color or in black-and-white.

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